Does solar cause problems when I sell my house?

No, this is a common misconception. Historically there have been problems if the panels on your roof are leased rather than owned. This is less common these days and not something we recommend.

Solar panels can actually increase the price of your property and help with the sale as they offer financial and environmental benefits.

What is the lifetime of solar panels?

We fit panels from these brands and they have a 12 year guarentee and expected lifespan of 25 years. 

What protections do we offer? / What is RECC 

The Renewable Energy Consumer Code (RECC) is a code of practice that sets standards for businesses involved in the sale, installation, and after-sales service of renewable energy systems in the United Kingdom. Here's a summary of the key points:

Purpose: The RECC aims to protect consumers who are purchasing or leasing renewable energy systems, such as solar panels, wind turbines, or heat pumps.

Membership: Businesses involved in the renewable energy sector can choose to become members of the RECC. By joining, they commit to following the code's guidelines and providing high standards of service to consumers.

Pre-contractual information: The code requires businesses to provide clear and accurate information to consumers before they enter into a contract. This includes details about the product, pricing, warranties, maintenance, and any associated costs.

Consumer rights: The RECC ensures that consumers have specific rights, such as a cooling-off period to cancel the contract without penalty, protection against mis-selling, and access to a complaint resolution process.

Deposit protection: The code specifies that any deposit paid by the consumer must be protected through an insurance-backed guarantee or an escrow account. This helps safeguard the consumer's investment in case the business becomes insolvent or fails to deliver the promised services.

Installation and performance: The code outlines standards for the installation of renewable energy systems, including compliance with relevant regulations, the use of qualified installers, and the provision of accurate system performance estimates.

Complaint handling: The RECC provides a mechanism for consumers to raise complaints if they are dissatisfied with a member's service. The code sets out procedures for dispute resolution, including access to an independent ombudsman service.

Continuous compliance: Member businesses are subject to ongoing monitoring and compliance checks to ensure they adhere to the code's standards. This helps maintain consumer confidence in the renewable energy sector.

The Renewable Energy Consumer Code promotes transparency, consumer protection, and high standards of service within the renewable energy industry. By following the code's guidelines, businesses aim to provide consumers with reliable, efficient, and ethical renewable energy solutions.

Link https://www.recc.org.uk/pdf/consumer-code.pdf?t=202306211935